Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Travel and tourism free essay sample

This trend is only due to the poor exchange rates, in 2009 the pound (GBP) was very weak against the Euro; the exchange rate was at 1. 1 Euros to ? 1 and this was significant compared to the rates before at 1. 5/1. 4 to ? 1, this hindered peoples spending on attractions, eating establishments, hire cars, transport and hotels, these low exchange rates were affecting behaviour of tourists as they found Europe very expensive, and because of all this there was no investment into services and maintaining the facilities. This had been a popular trend with tourists that like the convenience of going to an airport nearby. The reason the trend is possible is because it is a policy that the government have to expand these regional airports laid out in their aviation white paper. All though, airport enlargement is also controversial due to the consideration of the environment, so change of government might see a change to the policy also the low cost airlines such as Ryan-air and Easy-jet often use the regional airports as it is cheaper, which means that the growth of low cost airlines has contributed to the growth of these sorts of airports. We will write a custom essay sample on Travel and tourism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As people are becoming more confident about traveling and are more used to traveling abroad and seeing different cultures, the are being able to book the component parts of their holidays by themselves rather than having to go to a travel agency, this is more likely to happen on the lower priced holidays, when people are spending a lot of money , for an example on a wedding or on a cruise, they are more likely to seek help and advice from the travel agency. Ever since technology has become cheaper many people have easy ways to access the internet in their house and carry out research into the travel as well  as destinations to make their own bookings an website, like Expedia, who have made their profit off of internet growth by being able to provide the ability to make up holiday packages, selecting the flights and accommodations that they desire. The effect of people booking more independently is that there is all-ways less demand on travel agency services, this has made making a profit harder for the travel agency’s however web-based companies are able to compete easily with the large tour operators. Factors As government and society policy become more ‘green’ the awareness of tourists about environmental issue grows. This leads to a demand for responsible travel and expectation that companies will mostly adopt the environmental friendly policies there is also pressure from governments to reduce the ‘carbon footprint’ of travel, particularly air travel. Airlines in the UK have responded by investing greatly into more fuel efficient, quieter planes another example of the environmental issues is that out of the 109 countries with coral reefs, 90 have suffered damage to the reefs due to cruise ships, harming a resource that will require over 50 years to recover. A example of a environmental issue is BP, the global oil giant responsible for the fast-spreading spill in the Gulf of Mexico that will soon make landfall, is no stranger to major accidents. In fact, the company has found itself at the center of several of the nations worst oil and gasrelated disasters in the last five years. Travel is relatively cheap today, particularly air travel, this is no longer only available to the ‘well off’ the invention of low cost airlines has brought down the cost of travel. The long haul travel prices are more fluid, but there is sometimes deals to be had off peak, air travel is likely to become a lot more expensive if the passenger taxes are introduced Rail travel is also expensive in the UK but booking in advance can result to cheap pricing. An example of increasing prices is in the airlines due to oil and fuel becoming increasingly hard to find these make crude oil worth a mint and this reflects in the prices that airlines have to charge to make a profit with their businesses. The recession in 2008- 2010 has had a massive impact on the travel and tourism sector as when people are out of money spending only on the essentials people havent got money to spend on traveling to other countries this brings down the amount of profit the airlines are getting, this leads to bankruptcy of smaller airlines and loss of jobs so that the recession starts getting worse and worse meaning that companies find it increasingly difficult to stay in the black, for example SKY Europe, a low cost airline operating in eastern Europe had to declare bankruptcy after being forced out of business due to financial problems caused by recession, as economy pulls itself back on track.

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